Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull 1831(?)-1890

Of the Hunkpapa branch, Sitting Bull was leader of the Sioux and a brave warrior.
He was born around the year 1831 and died in 1890. His kid's name was Slow. Later, he was called Jumping Badger. Apparently after some jumping around he went back to original mode and his name became Sitting Bull (see above.)

Sitting Bull was temporarily collaborating with Crazy Horse and his folks and won some serious skirmishes. He was famous for not wanting to have anything to do with the whites.
Cold and hunger were the reason Sitting Bull and his people went up north into Canada. The Canadian government didn't provide any food arrangements for the starving Indians and Sitting Bull finally had to surrender.
Sitting Bull was shot by two Indian policemen on December 14, 1890 on the Grand River in South Dakota. Other sources give the date as December 15.

Shortly afterward, on December 29, 1890, the Wounded Knee massacre (known as the Battle of Wounded Knee) took place, in which more than 200 Sioux (men, women, and children) and 30 US soldiers were killed.
The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last major clash in 400 years of Indian Wars.

1 comment:

  1. I always feel shame about how badly the Native Americans were treated.


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