Saturday, May 13, 2017

Job Hunting

First of all I do not have a specialized skill. It has been so many years since I worked out of the home except to clean houses. I am almost 60 and to think I have no specialized skill at this point is so sad. I sat down a couple weeks ago and started job searches on the internet.

My trouble is I have no resume because the places I have worked for in the past no longer exist.

I have dived into the classifieds to see what is available for a no skilled person. Also on the internet.

What a joke that has been. All you get is telemarketers calling at all hours for something you never signed up for! 
I am very discouraged at this point but will continue to search for something.

This morning I had an interview with an older couple to clean their home. It looks like this will be my answer for now.


  1. Even on legitimate sights, spammers and scammers manage to sneak in some posts. I wish you only the best Thea.
    My Handsome Man @ Caneyhead

  2. I am the same way with my resume, but have beebn working at my present job for 10 years. My problem is with references. I don't have any. Good luck, I know how hard it can be. Do you have health care agencies by you? I saw here agencies that hired for companions for seniors. Cook for them, etc.


    1. We just went through taking care of Mike's mom before she passed. I don't think I could do that again. Thank you though.

  3. I wish the best for you. Apply for any job you feel you can do despite not being trained. The door will open.
    I retired in 2010 to take care of family. It is amazing how fast the door shuts to connections. I always talked my way into a job which is more difficult to do nowadays.

    1. Would you believe the one person that is still alive that I cleaned for years ago called me today. She told me she would give me a glowing reference.
      I am also thinking of trying the editing thing on here for the Upwork site.
      Thank you kindly for your response.


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