Friday, June 17, 2016

Ready as I can be right now............

Just thought I would share a couple photos with you all. My hands are peeling from all the washing of glassware and nick-knacks. Tomorrow is finally the big sale day. Remember this is a very old house. My mother in law's father built this thing and she ended up with it. She passed at age 83. I haven't even started on the upstairs yet. This is just only a portion of everything that is set out. There is also lots of furniture. I am dead on my feet at this point and need a rest after this before I dive in again.


  1. This brought back memories of getting rid of hubby's parents' things (and all of them weren't good memories, LOL). You should do well; just price low and take any offers someone makes. Its good you are doing the boxes of books for free; I have found over the years books just don't sell as well at garage/estate sales like they did say 10-15 years ago.

    Good luck and treat yourself to dinner out tomorrow after the sale!


    1. Well now I am beat! We sold a lot of stuff but I can't even see a dent. A lot of tables were sold...that was the most popular. Time for a break for a few days.

  2. That's a lot of stuff and to think you still have the upstairs to go. I hope you sell a lot. Good luck. Anything you get is more than you have now and it moves the stuff out.

    1. a couple things went from upstairs but nothing significant. A lot went out the door too but when I went back after it was all over you can't really tell it. Sigh......


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